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Title: New Research Suggests Weight Loss Apps Might Actually Be Effective

Title: New Research Suggests Weight Loss Apps Might Actually Deliver Results

Title: New Study Suggests Weight Loss Apps Actually Deliver Results
Title: New Study Suggests Weight Loss Apps Actually Deliver Results

Title: New Research Suggests Weight Loss Apps Might Actually Be Effective

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Hear this: "Eat less, move more!" "Carbs are the enemy!" "Just say no!" These are typical weight loss mantras. But "grab your phone!" might be the next weight loss game-changer. A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed that using a mobile device is more effective than tracking diets on paper for weight loss.

The Study Breakdown

Researchers studied 70 overweight adults (mostly men) with an average age of 58. Participants were divided into two groups: one used a mobile app for tracking diets and workouts, while the other group kept track with pen and paper. Both groups received nutrition classes, but only the mobile app group received biweekly telephone calls from personal coaches.

Results and Realizations

The folks using the mobile app and attending nutrition classes lost an average of 15 pounds. Those using the app without attending classes lost approximately 9 pounds, while the group tracking diets with pen and paper barely noticed a change.

Looking Closer

The study participants may not be the most tech-savvy, leading some to question if the outcomes would be different with a younger crowd. Additionally, the researchers developed a custom app, differing from popular weight loss apps. The digital group's phone calls from personal coaches could have influenced the results.

The Takeaway

Tracking food intake and fitness is a proven method for weight loss. The study, however, paves the way for further exploration of mobile apps' role in weight loss. With apps being reasonably priced (or even free), weight loss can be affordable for anyone. But central to weight loss success is social support, which can be found in both group classes and personal coaching.

So, have you tested out weight loss apps? Share your experiences below or tweet at @lschwech.

  1. The study suggests that using fitness and nutrition apps can be more effective for weight loss than traditional methods like tracking with pen and paper.
  2. The trend of utilizing mobile devices for weight loss management, coupled with nutrition classes and personal coaching, shows promising results in achieving significant weight loss.
  3. Incorporating other nutrition apps into your routine can also contribute to your overall health and wellness, providing a holistic approach to weight loss.
  4. Stay updated on the latest news and trends in fitness apps and nutrition by following reputable sources such as Greatist News.
  5. With the ease of availability and affordability of fitness and nutrition apps, individuals can now have access to professional guidance and social support, enhancing their weight loss journey.

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